Businesses follow various strategies to welcome customers in a highly professional manner. IVR systems are highly preferred at this point because they facilitate the work of both businesses and customer service representatives. So, does IVR have disadvantages as well as benefits? This article will discuss IVR’s advantages and disadvantages.
What Is IVR?
IVR, ‘Interactive Voice Response’, is an automated business phone system technology that interacts with callers without speaking to an agent and gathers information by offering them options from the menu. In situations where a customer needs or wants to talk to someone, IVR technology helps direct calls quickly and seamlessly to the best call center agent.
How Does IVR Work?
Before moving on to the advantages and disadvantages of IVR, it’s necessary to understand how it works. The interactive voice response system is activated when a call is received and answered by the automatic call distributor, or ACD, and provides the caller with various menu options. The person is transferred to the relevant departments by selecting the various options. This saves time and improves the customer experience. For detailed information about how the IVR system works, you can read our related article by clicking here.
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the IVR System?
The IVR system has advantages as well as disadvantages for both customers and call center staff. We can summarize them as follows;
1) Advantages
• A successful IVR system can help increase customer satisfaction and improve contact center operations and KPIs. It allows customers to find answers and perform simple tasks themselves, especially when search volumes are high. This eliminates waiting time and increases customer satisfaction.
• Interactive voice response systems don’t depend on humans to work. Once programmed, it has features that can work on its own. This means that this system can work 24/7. This way, it can meet customers who call at any hour and perform simple transactions. For example, it can perform simple operations like changing a PIN code or accepting customer orders.
• IVR systems can replace an attendant or customer service agent who directs callers to agents. This is because it’s so cost-effective compared to traditional systems. With this system, businesses can increase productivity and reduce operating costs.
2) Disadvantages
• A good IVR can improve the customer experience but can be frustrating if misused. At this point, an overly complex menu in IVR systems can confuse and frustrate customers. At this point, menu options should be in a way that can meet the needs and in an understandable way.
• Customers want to talk to someone who understands them rather than dealing with a system. IVR doesn’t meet expectations because this system doesn’t depend on a human being. This system can’t understand customers, can’t talk like an agent, and can’t always solve problems.
• Although IVR seems cost-effective and time-saving, it can easily damage a business’s customer base if poorly implemented. A bad IVR experience can change how customers perceive a business and cause customers to prefer competitors. This can cause the brand to lose customers.
Easy Address of IVR Systems: Infoset
IVR is one of the systems that have great importance in terms of customer service, and every business should benefit from it regardless of sector. With its IVR systems, Infoset quickly categorizes calls and automatically transfers them to the right place. With the IVR systems offered, you can create parallel calls and easily manage voicemails, as well as call queuing and routing. Start using Infoset today to take customer experience to the next level and increase sales!