
Deliver digital service to your Facebook customers

Manage your Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and many other channels from a single dashboard with Infoset.
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Facebook | Infoset

Customer engagement

Manage your incoming messages with your team on Infoset

Your customers prefer the fastest and easiest way to contact you. Provide a better experience for your customers by managing your Facebook account with your team on Infoset.
Facebook | Infoset

Infoset & Facebook

What can you do with Infoset + Facebook?

Quick replies
Send your frequent replies to your visitors with one click by creating saved replies.
Detect topic and language
Recognize the topic and language of a chat and assign automatically.
Security of correspondence
All data is stored in the company's account. No one can access them.
Set custom hours
Set opening hours and trigger the right response for customers at any hour.
Auto reply
Handle common questions automatically so agents can focus.
Translate automatically
Help customers out, even when in languages your agents do not speak.
Live chat queuing
Keep track of your agents' statuses and current conversations.
Channel context
We provide additional context for each conversation, so you'll have all the information you need without leaving Infoset.
Customer merging
Automatic or manually merge your new lead with any existing contact.


Stay on top of everything

Not just chat conversations; manage your emails, support tickets, deals and more from a single dashboard. Track every point in the customer journey, and improve it with meaningful reports.

Trusted by 3000+ businesses


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Start growing your business and keeping your team in the know with our free starter package. No credit card required.