Email ticketing

Convert your emails to tickets

Automatically convert all customer emails into tickets. Set up advanced automations to prioritize, categorize and assign tickets automatically.
3000+ companies trust Infoset
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Automatic assignment

Incoming emails with Infoset are automatically assigned according to their priorities and features, saving time and increasing your productivity.
Customer Support | Infoset
Customer Support | Infoset


Quick replies

You can easily and quickly reply to incoming emails with the dynamic email templates you have created before.


Automated reply

You can create dynamic automations to automatically reply to incoming emails and save time.
Customer Support | Infoset

Customer Support Reports

Be aware of everything

Not just support tickets; manage your emails, chat conversations, deals and more from a single dashboard. Track every point in the customer journey, and improve it with meaningful reports.
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Trusted by 3000+ businesses


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