With the quick advancement of technology, now businesses prefer messaging channels in many areas like daily conversations and business follow-up. No matter how descriptive the messages are, sincerity and intention are important in customer relations, companies started to use emojis effectively in correspondence. So, why are emojis used in customer relations?

What Is Emoji and Why Is Emoji Used in Customer Relations?

using emoji in customer relations

Emojis are visual tools that help convey emotion. They’re often sent as small icons or digital images that help the reader better understand the tone of an interaction. These expressions are common in daily conversations and are now also used to improve customer relations.

The important thing in customer relations is to transfer the desired feelings and intentions to the customer. But in written language, it’s difficult to transfer most emotions accurately. Emojis, in this case, use facial expressions and figures to make the desired emotion and intention easy to understand. With emojis, correspondence is semi-formal, and sincere and gives the feeling that it’s written by a person, contributing to a sincere bond in the communication of customers.

Why Using Emojis in Customer Relations Is Important?

Emoji is one of the best tools to enhance the customer experience and marketing messages. In written language, some sentences can be factual and cold. Emojis play a significant role in preventing misunderstanding and transferring the desired emotion. It also has many benefits for customer experience. For example, emojis personalize marketing messages and provide a special and welcoming atmosphere for customers. In this way, customers feel more comfortable and interact faster.

Things to Consider When Using Emoji

using emoji in customer relations

Emojis may seem simple, but they can mean different things to people. Therefore, you need to analyze the customer well and adjust the emoji usage frequency accordingly. In addition, there’re points you should consider.

1) Don’t overuse emojis. If you overuse anything enough, it becomes annoying and loses its original meaning.

2) Be aware of whether the emojis fit the customer base. A young-focused tech startup is a good use case for emojis. Younger people are more familiar with emojis than older.

3) Emojis should be used to set the tone, not to change words.

4) You shouldn’t use emojis on first contact, because it’s risky to start a sentence with emojis without knowing the customer.

What Are the Best Channels to Use Emoji?

Social media, live chat, and messaging apps are well-suited for emojis. Because both are modern innovations and free of any official prejudice. This can vary depending on the attitude of the other side, as emails or letters are more formal conversations. But recently, the use of emojis become widespread and even preferred in customer service chatbots and automated messages. Seeing the success of emojis in customer experience, many companies realized the importance of including emojis in correspondence channels.

The Right Address for Best Customer Relations: Infoset

Most customers want better service and effective communication. With the omnichannel experience offered by Infoset, you can manage WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and many other channels from a single screen and facilitate communication with customers through live chat and chatbots. Start using Infoset today to take customer satisfaction to the next level and increase your sales!

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