In the business world where sales processes became challenging and the need for new ideas increased, chatbots became an important factor. So, what are chatbots? What are ways to increase sales with chatbots?

About Chatbots

Chatbot is a software that gives information or performs any other process through communicating with users, generally in written form and in some cases using dialogue. For instance; you can obtain information about a product on a website through chatbots or order a pizza from another website. 

While chatbots can have different purposes, they can also have different communication methods. A chatbot can be the reactive side where it responds when asked a question or it could be the proactive side where it starts the conversation itself. Proactive ones send the first message to users when a product goes into discount or if the account balance of the user falls below a specified amount. 

According to research; chatbots’ market value is expected to have 1.11 billion dollars in the next four years thanks to the improvements of AI and its wide use. Chatbots that make use of dialogue-based interfaces and natural language processing play an important role in the increase of sales of businesses.

How to Increase Sales with Chatbots?

Businesses can increase their sales by making effective use of chatbots. There are some key points for businesses who would like to increase their sales using chatbots. 

1) Increase Conversion Rates 

On e-commerce sites the bounce rate is around 20%-40%. Thanks to chatbots the bounce rate is reduced by informing the potential customers who investigate about the products and effectively directing them. In addition, the conversion rate of visitors has increased. This way sales revenues increase parallelly to conversion rates.  

2) Make Product Recommendations 


With the help of artificial intelligence, by identifying the choices of customers on the website, recommendations can be made through chatbots. This way products that might have been overlooked by customers can be brought up again and customers can be urged to make a purchase. And this increases the probability of sales of these products. 

3) Remind Items Left in the Cart 

Because the attention span is getting shorter, the rate of products left in the carts is increasing. In these kinds of situations, the possibility that the consumer changed their mind just before completing the purchase or diverted their attention to a different subject should be considered. With proactive chatbots these products left in cart can be reminded to users and these users can be urged to purchase using short term discounts. 

4) Increase Customer Satisfaction


Customer satisfaction carries vital importance among the factors that affect the sales of a business. So much so that according to reports published by PwC; %52 of the customers tend to spend more money on businesses where they have a positive experience. Regardless of time, date and place chatbots are always ready for customer demands and are very much effective in achieving customer satisfaction by meeting customer expectations. This way, thanks to customer satisfaction, customers are encouraged for the next purchases. 

Easy Address for Chatbots: Infoset

Many businesses require chatbots in order to increase their sales however might come across some problems in the setup and use. Thanks to Infoset’s drag and drop bot improvement interface you can design a chatbot within minutes and integrate it to your website. With the Omni-channel customer service system of Infoset, you can manage all your support and sales channels on a single platform and automate all your processes. To collect more customer demand and increase your sales, change your old web forms with bots. Start using Infoset today to take your customer experience to the next level and increase your sales!

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