Companies make significant investments to generate potential online customers, but much of this investment is wasted due to poor contact rates. At this point, companies should search for ways to increase communication rates. So, what is the communication rate? What does it do?
What Is Contact Rate?
The contact rate is the percentage of potential customers to the number of conversations held. It’s an essential metric in the digital field because it enables us to indicate whether campaigns, actions, and sales techniques are performing well or not. For instance, you should check this rate to find out which calls to action convert on a website.
5 Ways to Increase Contact Rate
Measuring communication rates in a call center becomes more complex than ever with ever-changing privacy regulations and ever-growing call lists. The latest technology and search methods make the process easier by providing valuable information to call center managers of companies about their campaigns. At this point, five ways for call centers to increase their communication rates are as follows:
1) Call From Local Numbers in Caller ID
Making calls from local numbers in the caller ID increases the number of successful connections. So, you become closer to potential customers. According to a survey by Craig Borowski from Software Advice, people are about four times more likely to answer calls from local numbers than toll-free numbers.
2) Should Leave a Voicemail
Even if salespeople find this method unsuccessful, it’s the easiest way to increase the communication rate and the number of callbacks. Voicemail aims to leave short, clear, and well-expressed messages. As John Barrows summarizes in his SalesForce blog, potential customers won’t call you back from your voicemail with absolute probability. But when customers face an issue where your offer is needed, they’ll think of you.
3) Automate Your Call System
The more call attempts you make, the better your chances of reaching a potential customer. Making more calls is time-consuming and takes a lot of work, especially if done manually. At this point, you need to automate your calling system. So, you can reach more people faster and increase communication rates.
4) Respect the Customer Candidate’s Timeline
Most salespeople stick to their timetables and set precise times to make calls. However, customers have their program and may reject your call. Some research has been done to resolve this situation. According to a customer candidate response management survey, the best time to call is 16:00-17:00. Scheduling calls according to these times will decrease the number of unanswered ones.
5) Consider the Quality of the Contact List
The communication rate generally shows the quality of the contact list. You must know your target person as much as possible before you call. By learning more about your potential customers and having direct numbers, you’ll reach them faster and get a better communication rate.
The Easy Way to Keep in Touch With Customers: Infoset
Infoset helps you talk to your customers on time, send announcements, get feedback or solve their problems instantly. It lets you decrease your workload and focus on your business by creating sales and support requests. With Infoset, you can automate workflow to avoid wasting time, effort, and money with routine tasks. Start using Infoset to take your customer experience to the next level and increase your sales!